Top rated - local safaris,short trips and general vagrancy |
dump damage443 views (14 votes)
round. 10 - Sth Gippy coastal fringe485 views (17 votes)
~35m ASL, 400m from Bass Strait - Sth Gippy coast478 views (15 votes)
bottle garden314 viewsBrachychiton Ruspestris (Qld Bottle tree) stands majestically in flood waters with friends.. (6 votes)
yep - REAL snow @ 240m ASL Sth Gippy (coastal Vic)490 views (16 votes)
outback flash flooding274 viewsbig storms in outback NSW. (6 votes)
outback moon174 viewsthe setting moon and an uneasy time toi drive with many roos on the outback roads. (6 votes)
436 views (14 votes)
long awaited drink323 viewsthis river gum finally gets its long awaited drink on the Barcoo river. (7 votes)
in the beginning..........494 views (16 votes)
curly2201 viewsthis lightning strike finally makes its way to the parched grounds below - western NSW. (12 votes)
1 second exposure...193 viewsA spectacular 4 pronged strike crashes to the ground. (6 votes)
bye bye Mt.Macedon257 views (6 votes)
Howitt hut286 views (5 votes)
pink strike I172 viewslightning bolts slam to the ground, tinged pink from remanent dust in the atmosphere from the outflow winds ahead of the storm. (6 votes)
outback moonset II236 viewsan old dead tree sets a moody scene as the moon sets. (6 votes)
downburst234 views (4 votes)
the glow III270 views (7 votes)
twilight strike217 viewsafter sunset this storm got going with some spectacular lightning. (7 votes)
and again190 viewsfrom within the safety of my 4WD, I watch as this piercing bolt violently crashes through the shelf cloud to the thirst ground below (taken at 17mm)I (5 votes)