Top rated - Snowy mountains |

alpine wildflowers and remnant snowdrifts399 viewsaromatic delights sweeten the senses as gentle breezes waft up this high altitude valley (11 votes)

rolling alpine valley361 views (10 votes)

summer wildflowers and remnant cornice - (*note image is digitally stitched together from 2 photographs)378 views (10 votes)

summer wildflowers343 views (9 votes)

Seamen's Hut- 2000m ASL336 viewsSeamen's hut @ around 2000mASL is the highest structure in Australia (9 votes)

alpine weather293 viewssome sort of high based outflow feature (10 votes)

remnant cornice - snowy mountains309 views (8 votes)

alpine herb field316 views (9 votes)

wildflowers on the roof of Australia475 viewslooking east from the Mt Kosciusko summit (16 votes)