Most viewed - local safaris,short trips and general vagrancy |
coming ashore...281 views
rushing waters280 views
the Crosscut Saw279 views
looking SE275 views
Sunny Downs275 viewsthe seemingly aptly named 'Sunny Downs' awaits a long deserved drink.
dark road274 views
rain engulfing Mt.Macedon274 views
Eucalyptus Paucifolias274 views
red storm274 viewsred dust kicked up paints the underneath of the gustfront a similar colour.
outback flash flooding274 viewsbig storms in outback NSW.
outback storm272 views
rain core - central highlands Qld.271 views
convection cow II.270 viewsa thunderstorm in the Maffra vicinty dropping golf ball hail.
the glow III270 views
Eucalyptus Paucifolia in full glory268 views
to stranger times260 views
divine light260 views
apostle dawn II258 views
bye bye Mt.Macedon257 views
sculpted fields254 views